Week 3 of the No-Spend Challenge

Three is usually the charm-except this week I struck out.  I had this big fancy post typed up about what I spent this week and then I took it down—because I was really freakin’ embarassed. I spent more than in the last two weeks COMBINED. Nearly 100.00 per day, most of them on “needs”, some of them on wants. 36% on wants actually.

Ugh. Yikes.

I can offer up plenty of reasons as to why my spending was a bit grandiose this week-rainy weather=me feeling cooped up all day at home and more likely to go out at night–And the biggest expense of the week-maintenance/insurance on my new car, which is really just my old car that recently became new to me again. I also bought a few things for the new apartment that I did not “need” per se, but I would have just gone and bought them after the challenge was over anyway. I can proudly say however, that everything I bought for the apartment was second-hand. My dog needed a haircut.

I will also say that this was the first week where the challenge really irritated me. Like, really pissed me off. I was out for job interviews and hungry and had to wait till I got home an hour or two later to eat instead of just grabbing something like I normally would have. It frustrated me. I wanted to go see a movie to get out of the house, but I decided not to. These things really irritated me, and perhaps it’s because I didn’t set a specific “savings goal” when I set up the challenge. I’m just saving money to see if I can, and all the savings just go into my bank account and not towards something important or fun. I’m beginning to realize I am going through this bass-ackwards.

I also think I’m frustrated because I am realizing my entire lifestyle, my “New York” lifestyle if you will is going to have to go out the window. Spending challenge or no, nothing good is going to come unless I change my lifestyle and expectations to match my current situation. I can preach all I want, but it’s a hard thing to let go of.

Even still-I had a GREAT weekend. Got free tickets to see an improv show on Friday, went antiquing and had dinner with my parents on Saturday, and spent Sunday fixing up the apartment and attended a Pool Party the complex was having (read=free barbecue sandwiches..win!). I didn’t work on the blog at all, which was a much needed break since it (like the no-spend challenge) was frustrating me at the end of last week. Thank you guys for all of the supportive comments and feedback-it definitely pulled me out of the funk.

I hope you’ll forgive my lack of line item detail in this post. Instead I’ll just tell you this week was a big ol’ bust. I am already on track to come in way under budget for the month, if I can get it together for this week and stick to the challenge.

Have you ever had a week where you failed at your budget? What did you do about it?

16 thoughts on “Week 3 of the No-Spend Challenge

  1. Groom murray yourself! You can buy a set of clippers that will get the job done for 40, the cost of one grooming session. Watch the video they come with or youtube. I did that with Paddy and it was so worth it..thirty minutes for a haircut and the clippers pay for themselves after one use.

  2. Ok I’ve never had a dog groomed, but I don’t think I want to know anything more about ‘anal gland expression’ lol.

    I think you’re completely right about how not having a savings goal is hurting your efforts. That is one of main reasons that I don’t bother with budgeting. I just don’t have some kind of goal to aim for. So I just end up coasting with my finances with little concern if I spend extra.

    • Yeah-I’m going to take some time after the spending challenge to evaluate what my next savings goal should be. I paid off all my debt in December of 2011 and haven’t set up a new one. Thanks for the comment 🙂

  3. I can really relate to this post. There are some times you’re going along great and then you just reach that “frugal burnout” and start to slip up in major way. And like you, I mourn a past lifestyle. Yes, I’ve had weeks like you’ve had. You just start over, and keep starting over until those cravings eventually pass and you get used to a new way of living. (at least that’s what I keep telling myself)

  4. I had so many slip ups my first few months of being frugal (okay being less spendy) but eventually they diminished. I still have those urges to spend but for the most part I’m better. It takes time to learn a habit but I’ve been finding it does pay off in the end. I would set up mini goals or rewards for yourself. Those seem to really help me: I could eat this lunch out or I can wait a few weeks and get this AWESOME reward. That’s my reasoning usually.

  5. We failed at our budget last month! I refuse to change our goals, so it’s possible we’re going to fail this month too because of it. Unexpected expenses crept up on us and we had to use the emergency fund. It was bad. Still, I don’t like pushing our debt-free date back. We’re just going to have to work harder, budget smarter, and hope for a rich relative to die. TOTALLY KIDDING….because we don’t have any rich relatives…and because I don’t wish for people to die. ha 🙂 Good luck getting back on track, L!

  6. I just start over…there’s an expression that helps me: “Yesterday’s gone & Tomorrow is not here yet…waste time worrying about either & you pee all over Today.” My oops was only a $46.74 emotional bing so I am slowing adjusting the budget to absorb the shortfall, then dollars per month goes back into the savings that I had to temporarily borrow from. It does keep me focused on sticking t the budget though.

    • I used to do the “borrow” from savings thing, but I was never dilligent enough to put it back! I love finding out what different things work for different people. Thanks for your comment! 🙂

  7. I think it’s awesome that you are just frustrated with your challenge instead of giving up – if I was ravenous and on a challenge like that, i’d likely have given up and sold myself short. so congrats!

    • Honestly-it’s the blog that keeps me accountable. I don’t want to give up and never write about it again bc that would be dishonest to my readers. Having a blog is helping me to grow in more ways than one! 🙂

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